Connect to your Lotus EZ

  • Hotspot connection
  • Connect to the Lotus EZ through your own WiFi network
  • Connect via Ethernet cable
Hotspot connection

Connecting to your Lotus EZ is as simple as connecting to the WiFi hotspot it creates. Your WiFi hotspot name and password will be unique to your Lotus EZ. Each Lotus EZ will come with a Quick Start Guide showing the hotspot name and unique password, but if you ever lose this, it is also printed on your box, and on the serial number sticker found on the underside of your printer (don’t look if there is resin in the vat in place!)

The hotspot name will be named “Lotus-EZ-8xxx” with the numbers corresponding to the Lotus EZ’s serial.

Once you have entered the unique password and connected successfully, in any internet browser, you can browse to “” (without the “ “) and the dashboard will load.

You can also browse to “http://lotusez-8xxx.local” with the “xxx” being the unique number of your Lotus EZ. This unique URL is also found in your Quick start guide and serial number sticker.

Connect to the Lotus EZ through your own WiFi network

Connecting your Lotus EZ to your own home WiFi network is very easy. Once connected to your Lotus EZ via its hotspot, simply browse to the WiFi page.

Here you should see a list of WiFi connections available within range of your Lotus EZ. If a list of connections does not immediately appear, simply refresh the page.

You should see your own network here if it is within range. It will also show you a strength rating of the signal. Simply input your network’s password and select “Connect”.

After selecting connect, your Lotus EZ will attempt to join the network. On the main page you can expand the action log and see if it connects. The dashboard may temporarily display a warning it has lost connection. This is normal.

Once connected, you may disconnect from the Lotus EZ’s hotspot and reconnect to your own WiFi network.

In your browser you should be able to connect to the dashboard by typing in the unique URL you can find in your Quick start guide, e.g. “http://lotusez-8xxx.local” (with the “xxx” replaced by your unique number).

If you are unable to connect to your Lotus EZ via the hostname (e.g. http://lotusez-8xxx.local) and you are using Windows operating system, you may need to install “Bonjour Print Services for Windows” by Apple. This system tool allows Windows machines to use hostnames instead of IP addresses. You can download it from Apple’s support site. Apple and Linux operating systems will not require this to be installed and should easily connect via this method without any additional system utilities being installed.

If you are still unable to connect to your printer via the IP address (if you know it) or unique URL, please try restarting your Lotus EZ (connect to the hotspot, and select shutdown, wait 10 seconds and then use the power button the front of the Lotus EZ). Some users have reported that up to 2 power cycles may be required. We are working on a solution to this issue.

If you want to know the IP address that your network has given the Lotus EZ, you can find this by accessing your router’s administration page (usually something like or – it will be written on either the back of your router, or in your router’s documentation). You can also download and install network IP scanners to help you discover the IP address of all devices on your network.

Connect via Ethernet cable

We have provided an Ethernet cable with all Lotus EZ packs to give you the additional option of connecting to your own network via cable.

This is as easy as plugging the Ethernet cable (or your own) in to the Ethernet port found at the back of the Lotus EZ and the other into your router or switch. We suggest you first plug the cable in while the Lotus EZ is off and then once the cable is connected on both ends, turning on your Lotus EZ. After approximately 60 seconds you should be able to connect to your Lotus EZ’s dashboard with your unique URL e.g. “http://lotusez-8xxx.local” (with the “xxx” replaced by your unique number).

Similarly to connecting to your home network via WiFi, if this does not work and you are using a Windows based operating system may require to install “Bonjour Print Services for Windows” by Apple. This system tool allows Windows machines to read “hostnames”. You can download it via Apple’s support page. Apple and Linux operating systems should not require this.

If this still does not work, we suggest contacting us on support@lotus3dprinters.com for further support. In the meantime, you can either find the IP address of the Lotus EZ via your administration page on your router (usually something like or, or using an IP discovery tool such as Angry IP scannerAlternate download link from Sourceforge. The entry will be under your Lotus EZ’s unique name e.g. “lotusez-8xxx.local”.